Heath Teruel

Heath Teruel

General food expert. Freelance music geek. Food enthusiast. Amateur internet evangelist. Wannabe bacon specialist.

44 Posts Written
6 Major Methods of Counseling Explained

6 Major Methods of Counseling Explained

Psychodynamic counseling is one of the most well-known approaches to counseling. It is based on the belief that behavior...

Counseling Services in California: What You Need to Know

Counseling Services in California: What You Need to Know

When relationships are challenged, family therapy can be an effective way to bring diverse family members together....

How to Know if a Counselor Has Malpractice Insurance

How to Know if a Counselor Has Malpractice Insurance

When it comes to providing excellent service and innovative technology, CM&F offers the best professional liability...

How Often Do Counselors Need to Renew Their Licenses in California?

How Often Do Counselors Need to Renew Their Licenses in California?

The California Behavioral Science Board requires licensed professional clinical counselors (LPCC), licensed educational...

Ethical Guidelines for Counselors in California: A Comprehensive Guide

Ethical Guidelines for Counselors in California: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you a counselor in California looking for a comprehensive guide to the ethical guidelines and regulations that govern ...

What Are the Restrictions on Providing Counseling Services to Clients Outside of California?

What Are the Restrictions on Providing Counseling Services to Clients Outside of California?

The regulations in California allow clients outside of the state to temporarily practice telehealth, so in this scenario...

Continuing Education Requirements for Counselors in California

Continuing Education Requirements for Counselors in California

Mental health professionals in California must complete 36 hours of continuing education (CE) to renew their license. For ...

Assessing Clients in the Counseling Setting

Assessing Clients in the Counseling Setting

Assessing clients in the counseling setting is a pivotal element of effective therapeutic intervention. It requires an...

Becoming a Licensed Counselor in California: Requirements and Costs

Becoming a Licensed Counselor in California: Requirements and Costs

If you're looking to become a licensed professional clinical counselor in California, you must first obtain a master's...

Mental Health Counseling for Patients with Chronic Illnesses in California: What You Need to Know

Mental Health Counseling for Patients with Chronic Illnesses in California: What You Need to Know

The Patients' Rights Act is a complex and evolving system of statutes, regulations, and court decisions that govern the...

What is the Difference Between a Licensed Counselor and a Therapist in California?

What is the Difference Between a Licensed Counselor and a Therapist in California?

Counseling and therapy are two distinct professions that require different levels of education and training. Counselors...

Becoming a Licensed Counselor in California: What You Need to Know

Becoming a Licensed Counselor in California: What You Need to Know

Are you interested in becoming a licensed counselor in California? The state of California licenses three different types ...

Religious Beliefs and Counseling Services in California: An Expert's Perspective

Religious Beliefs and Counseling Services in California: An Expert's Perspective

When it comes to providing counseling services to clients with religious beliefs in California, there are certain...

Overcoming Stigma: Why Counseling Is Important In California's Culture

Overcoming Stigma: Why Counseling Is Important In California's Culture

Mental health has become a prominent topic in recent years, and the importance of seeking counseling is widely...

What Professional Organizations are Available for Counselors in California?

What Professional Organizations are Available for Counselors in California?

Our organization was designed to protect the licensing of counselors in California and to provide services to newly...

Is Counselling Regulated in California?

Is Counselling Regulated in California?

In California, licensed professional clinical counselors (LPCC) are supervised by the Behavioral Science Board (BBS). To...

How Counseling Can Help With California's Unique Stressors

How Counseling Can Help With California's Unique Stressors

Living in California can be both exhilarating and challenging. From earthquakes to wildfires to social issues like...

What Types of Insurance Plans Cover Counseling Services in California?

What Types of Insurance Plans Cover Counseling Services in California?

Health insurance plans in California must provide a comprehensive package of items and services, known as essential...

Becoming a Licensed Counselor in California: Requirements and Opportunities

Becoming a Licensed Counselor in California: Requirements and Opportunities

Are you interested in becoming a licensed counselor in California? Becoming a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor...

What Are the Requirements for Providing Counseling Services to Minors in California?

What Are the Requirements for Providing Counseling Services to Minors in California?

When providing counseling services to minors in California, there are certain requirements that must be met. According to ...

Understanding Eating Disorders and Treatment Restrictions in California

Understanding Eating Disorders and Treatment Restrictions in California

Eating disorders are serious and often fatal illnesses that are associated with serious alterations in people's eating...

Becoming a Certified Counselor in California: A Step-by-Step Guide

Becoming a Certified Counselor in California: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you interested in becoming a certified counselor in California? Becoming a licensed professional clinical counselor...

What Types of Counseling Services are Available?

What Types of Counseling Services are Available?

When relationships are challenged, family therapy works in an integrative way with diverse family members to enrich the...

Can California Psychologists Provide Therapy to Patients Out of State?

Can California Psychologists Provide Therapy to Patients Out of State?

Temporary practice laws generally require that you have a license to practice psychology in another state. This...

Can I Become a Licensed Therapist in California?

Can I Become a Licensed Therapist in California?

The law in California prohibits unlicensed individuals from practicing psychology, but it does authorize certain...

How to Check if a Counselor Has Been Disciplined or Had Their License Revoked

How to Check if a Counselor Has Been Disciplined or Had Their License Revoked

Are you looking for information on how to check if a counselor has been disciplined or had their license revoked? If so,...

Understanding the Importance of Multicultural Counseling

Understanding the Importance of Multicultural Counseling

The development of effective counseling skills begins with the right university degree, such as the online Bachelor of...

How to Become a Licensed Counselor in California

How to Become a Licensed Counselor in California

Are you interested in becoming a licensed counselor in California? Becoming a licensed counselor in the state of...

Finding the Right Counselor for Your Age Group

Finding the Right Counselor for Your Age Group

When it comes to finding the right counselor for your age group, it's important to take the time to consider what you're...

What is the Largest Counseling Organization?

What is the Largest Counseling Organization?

The American Counseling Association (ACA) is a not-for-profit professional and educational organization that is devoted...

Finding the Right Counselor for Your Particular Issue

Finding the Right Counselor for Your Particular Issue

When looking for a counselor to help with issues related to cancer survival, it is important to interview a few before...

What Are the Restrictions on Providing Counseling Services to Clients with Financial Difficulties in California?

What Are the Restrictions on Providing Counseling Services to Clients with Financial Difficulties in California?

Eliminating the law and ethics of 12 hours, Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) have a long history in the United States, ...

Finding a Counselor with Cultural Competence

Finding a Counselor with Cultural Competence

This guide provides concise and easily accessible information for behavioral health professionals about culturally...

What are the Most Common Types of Counseling?

What are the Most Common Types of Counseling?

Four of the most common types of counseling are cognitive-behavioral therapy, behavioral therapy, humanistic therapy, and ...

Continuing Education Courses for Counselors in California

Continuing Education Courses for Counselors in California

Counselors in California are required to complete mandatory continuing education (CE) courses in order to maintain their...

Renewing Your Counseling License in California: A Step-by-Step Guide

Renewing Your Counseling License in California: A Step-by-Step Guide

Renewing your counseling license in California can be a daunting task. But with the right information and guidance, you...

How to Check if a Counselor is Licensed and Qualified to Practice in Your State

How to Check if a Counselor is Licensed and Qualified to Practice in Your State

Are you looking for a counselor to help you with your mental health needs? It's important to make sure that the counselor ...